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Celebrating 25

Years of Friendship
and Fun!

Celebrate 25 years of Enemy Pie with Derek Munson on his special anniversary tour! Perfectly tailored for K-2 students, The Enemy Pie Experiment explores the ideas of both friendship and “enemyship” through an incredibly fun, hands-on experiment that kids love.

Cover of the children's book Enemy Pie by author Derek Munson


Derek Munson

Enemy Pie author Derek Munson


Derek Munson is the award-winning author of Enemy Pie, a children’s classic celebrating 25 years in print. Known for his engaging and interactive school presentations, Derek has inspired over 100,000 students across the country with lessons in creativity, kindness, and problem-solving. His hobbies include travel, spending time outdoors, and developing creative projects.

School Visits

Derek has presented his writing workshops and school assemblies to more than 100,000 kids throughout the United States and abroad. His award-winning book, Enemy Pie, is a perennial favorite in libraries across the globe. Derek brings incredible enthusiasm and fun to his workshops and presentations. His teaching philosophy is simple: First, cultivate an environment where inspiration is irresistible. And second, provide a solid framework for putting that inspiration on display. 

a home cooked pie
a paragraph of text about The Enemy Pie Experiment presentation

The Enemy Pie Experiment

This presentation explores the ingredients of both friendship and “enemyship” in a unique and entertaining way. It includes a reading of the story “Enemy Pie”, a brief discussion about friends and enemies and a super fun experiment involving some crazy ingredients. This is a student favorite! Presentation: 50-55 minutes, maximum 110 students, grades K-2.


Paragraph of text summarizing the book Enemy Pie and a picture of the book cover

Available Books by Derek Munson

Cover of the children's book Enemy Pie by author Derek Munson

Enemy Pie

A Reading Rainbow Book! Enemy Pie serves up a sweet lesson as one little boy learns an effective recipe for turning a best enemy into a best friend.

It was the perfect summer. That is, until Jeremy Ross moved into the house down the street and became neighborhood enemy number one. Luckily, Dad had a surefire way to get rid of enemies: Enemy Pie. But part of the secret recipe is spending an entire day playing with the enemy!

In this funny yet endearing children's book, filled with charming illustrations, kids learn about dealing with conflict as well as the difficulties, and ultimate rewards, of making new friends.

Reader Reviews

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"Fun way for kids to learn about how to get along with your “enemies“.  I bought 2 copies for my 5-7 year old grandchildren. This is a “read to me” book that allows parents to have conversations about what makes enemies and how to deal with all those feelings."

Sharon Smith

Savannah, GA​

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