School Visits
Derek Munson, award winning author, brings incredible enthusiasm and fun to his workshops and presentations. His teaching philosophy is simple: First, cultivate an environment where inspiration is irresistible. And second, provide a solid framework for putting that inspiration on display.
What School Visits Include:
Interactive presentations at your school
Book signing
2 signed books for your library

The Enemy Pie Experiment
This presentation explores the ingredients of both friendship and “enemyship” in a unique and entertaining way. It includes a reading of the story “Enemy Pie”, a brief discussion about friends and enemies and a super fun experiment involving some crazy ingredients. This is a student favorite!
Presentation: 50-55 minutes, maximum 110 students, grades K-2.

Wild Ideas!
In this fun and inspiring presentation, author Derek Munson takes students on a journey through the world of storytelling. Starting with Aristotle's story map and Joseph Campbell's hero's adventure, Derek illustrates how the journeys of fictional characters reflect our own, and that each of us is the hero in our own life story. Weaving real-life experiences from his own life into this presentation, Derek shows how the combination of dreaming big, overcoming challenges, and using the power of our imaginations can lead us to our own "hero" moments.
Presentation 50-55 minutes, maximum 250 students, grades 3-6.
